Upscaling Innovative
Green Urban Logistics
Through Multi-Actor Collaboration and Physical Internet (PI)
Inspired Last Mile Deliveries

What is URBANE?
URBANE stands for Upscaling Innovative Green Urban Logistics Solutions Through Multi-Actor Collaboration and PI-Inspired Last Mile Deliveries.
URBANE is a 3.5-year Horizon Europe project (2022-2026) on novel, sustainable, safe, resilient and effective last-mile delivery solutions, combining green automated vehicles and shared space utilisation models. The project will test innovative TRL7/8 efficient, replicable and socially acceptable innovative last-mile delivery solutions.
Demonstration cities
URBANE LLs implementation methodology is structured with the vision of realizing interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary breakthrough innovations. The Lighthouse LLs have been selected to implement different delivery models, but cross-fertilisation of results across all LLs is expected to lead to operational improvements.

Lighthouse Living Labs:

Twinning Living Labs:

Follower Cities: